These Champions of Equality
How those who espouse equality are actually hurting the battle for equality.
The westernized Marxists have made difficult the lives of very people, the oppressed, whose best interest they purportedly champion, by hijacking and distorting things which every right thinking human would anyway support.
The feminists (almost always part of the regressive left) in reality are often fighting, not for equality, but for gender supremacy. Just like liberalism, they have turned equality into a bad word by insisting on equality of outcomes instead over equality of opportunities. They want equal number of men and women everywhere, from IIT’s to corporate boardrooms, and from temples to public toilets.
In their quest for gender supremacy and dominance they forget that many people might not want to be pawns in their fight and will happily study medicine, stay at home. or even take up less stressful jobs.
What they should strive for is equality of opportunity; let whoever is willing be not discriminated against. Instead, their objective is to force the unwilling to do their bidding. That serves no purpose at all. Better help one person who is genuinely interested than to force hundreds who had rather be doing something else just to build up the numbers.
So successful have these Marxists and “Feminists” been in their distortion, many have turned against all forms of equality. Many now oppose any effort to help the disadvantaged, believing they would be playing into a Marxist conspiracy.
Many even believe that making a common cause with the fight for equality would be tantamount to going against their own traditions. Nothing could be further from truth. Before the varna system became the caste system we were the most equal of all people; everyone had the same opportunities. It is idiotic therefore that now people react in a knee jerk fashion and reject all principles we stood for when the West was still in the dark ages
Many men who want to help women also go about it the wrong way. By emulating these “feminists”, they think they are helping women, for instance by trying to force a larger number of women into IITs or workforce. It does not occur to them that many women would rather do commerce or medicine instead. Similarly, many women prefer to work from home, but these “champions” ruin everything by chanting “equality , equality”, as if It will solve all problems.
On the other hand we have the Dharmics who have disowned equality and have joined hands with the regressive forces to ensure that discrimination continues by opposing all affirmative action.